RADIUS accounting message buffering

When all servers in a RADIUS server policy are unreachable, it is possible to buffer the Accounting Start, Accounting Stop, and Accounting Interim-Update messages for up to 25 hours. Accounting Start messages have a separate buffer from Accounting Interim-Update and Stop messages. When a RADIUS server becomes reachable again, the messages in the buffer are retransmitted. If, for the same accounting session, an Accounting Start message and an Accounting Interim-Update or Stop message is buffered, then the Accounting Start message is sent before the Interim-Update or Stop message.

RADIUS Accounting message buffering parameters can be configured per message type, for example:

        radius-server-policy "aaa-server-policy-1" create
                router "Base"
                    acct-start min 60 max 3600 lifetime 12
                    acct-interim min 60 max 3600 lifetime 12
                    acct-stop min 60 max 3600 lifetime 12
                server 1 name "server-1"

When RADIUS accounting message buffering is enabled:

  1. The message is stored in the buffer, a lifetime timer is started and the message is sent to the RADIUS server.

  2. If, after retry timeout seconds, no RADIUS accounting response is received, then a new attempt to send the message is started after a minimum [(min-val*2n), max-val] seconds. The min-val and max-val parameters are configurable and correspond to each accounting message type.

  3. Repeat step 2 until one of the following events occurs and the message is purged from the buffer:

    1. RADIUS accounting response is received

    2. the lifetime of the buffered message expires (as shown in Figure: Purging message from buffer)

    3. (if the buffered message is an Accounting Interim-Update only) A new Accounting Interim-Update or an Accounting Stop or for the same accounting session-id and radius-server-policy is stored in the buffer

    4. the message is manually purged from the message buffer with a clear command

      Figure: Purging message from buffer

When Accounting Start message buffering is enabled:

When Accounting Interim-Update message buffering is enabled:

Use the following clear command to manually delete messages from the RADIUS accounting message buffer:

clear aaa radius-server-policy policy-name msg-buffer [acct-session-id acct-session-id]

When specifying the account session ID, only that specific message is deleted from the message buffer. If no account session ID is specified, all messages for that RADIUS server policy are deleted from the message buffer.

Use the following show commands to display the RADIUS accounting message buffer statistics:

# show aaa radius-server-policy "aaa-server-policy-1" msg-buffer-stats
buffering acct-start        : enabled
  min interval (s)          : 60
  max interval (s)          : 300
  lifetime (hrs)            : 25
buffering acct-interim      : enabled
  min interval (s)          : 60
  max interval (s)          : 300
  lifetime (hrs)            : 25
buffering acct-stop         : enabled
  min interval (s)          : 60
  max interval (s)          : 300
  lifetime (hrs)            : 25
Total acct-start messages in buffer                       : 0
Total acct-interim messages in buffer                     : 0
Total acct-stop messages in buffer                        : 0
Total acct-start messages dropped (lifetime expired)      : 0
Total acct-interim messages dropped (lifetime expired)    : 0
Total acct-stop messages dropped (lifetime expired)       : 0
Last buffer clear time                                    : N/A
Last buffer statistics clear time                         : N/A

Use the following clear command to reset the RADIUS accounting message buffer statistics:

clear aaa radius-server-policy policy-name statistics msg-buffer-only

Use the following tools commands to display the RADIUS accounting message buffer content:

tools dump aaa radius-server-policy policy-name msg-buffer [session-id acct-session-id]

For example:

# tools dump aaa radius-server-policy "aaa-server-policy-1" msg-buffer 
RADIUS server policy "aaa-server-policy-1" message buffering
message type Acct-Session-Id                                 remaining lifetime
acct-interim 242FFF0000009A512B36FC                          0d 11:58:54
acct-interim 242FFF0000009B512B36FC                          0d 11:58:48
acct-interim 242FFF0000009C512B36FC                          0d 11:58:30
acct-interim 242FFF0000009D512B36FC                          0d 11:58:29
acct-interim 242FFF0000009E512B36FC                          0d 11:59:05
No. of messages in buffer: 5

When specifying the Acct-Session-Id, the message details are displayed.