Subscriber session timeout

To limit the lifetime of a PPP session or DHCPv4 host to a fixed time interval, a timeout can be specified from RADIUS. By default, a PPP session or DHCPv4 host has no session timeout (infinite).

For PPP sessions, a session-timeout can be configured in the ppp-policy. A RADIUS specified session-timeout overrides the CLI configured value.

        ppp-policy "ppp-policy-1" create
            session-timeout 86400

When the session timeout expires a PPP session is terminated and a DHCPv4 host deleted. For a DHCPv4 host, a DHCP release message is also sent to the server.

The following two attributes can be used in RADIUS Access-Accept and CoA messages to limit the PPP session or DHCPv4 host session time (Table: Subscriber session timeout):

Table: Subscriber session timeout
Attribute ID Attribute name Type Limits Purpose and format




2147483647 seconds

0 = infinite (no session-timeout)

(1 to 2147483647) in seconds

For example:

Session-Timeout = 3600




[0 to 2147483647] seconds

0 = infinite (no session-timeout)

(1 to 2147483647) in seconds

For example:

Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout = 3600

When specified in a RADIUS Access-Accept message, both attributes specify an absolute value for session timeout. When specified in a RADIUS CoA message, attribute [26-6527-160] Alc-Relative-Session-Timeout specifies a relative session timeout value in addition to the current session time while attribute [27] Session-Timeout specifies an absolute session timeout value. If the current session time is greater than the received Session-Timeout, a CoA NAK is sent with error cause ‟Invalid Attribute Value (407)”.

Only one of the above attributes to specify a session timeout can be present in a single RADIUS message. An event is raised when both are specified in a single message.

The output of the show service id service-id ppp session detail command contains following fields related to session timeout for PPP sessions:

The output of the show service id service-id dhcp lease-state detail command contains following fields related to session timeout for DHCPv4 hosts:

Note: In a radius-proxy scenario or when a DHCPv4 host is created with a RADIUS CoA message, the RADIUS attribute [26-6527-174] Alc-Lease-Time attribute must be used to specify the lease time. If the [26-6527-174] Alc-Lease-Time is not present in these scenarios, then the RADIUS attribute [27] Session-Timeout is interpreted as DHCPv4 lease time.