AARP peered node/instance configuration

The multi-homed diverted AA subscriber in each peer node must be configured with the following parameters set in each node of the peer pair as displayed in Table: Parameter values for peer nodes

Table: Parameter values for peer nodes
Parameter Value

Service ID

Node specific


Node specific

SAP or spoke/SDP ID

Node specific

AA-group ID

Node specific

App-profile name

Content must be the same in both peers as to not affect behavior. Nokia recommends using same name and content.

Transit policy ID

Same in both (only applies if transits are used)


Same in both

shunt-sdp sdp-id:vc-id

Node specific but must properly cross-connect the local AA subscriber service with the peer Ipipe/service shunt interface to operate properly for asymmetry removal for remote divert traffic. Peer AARPs stay in standalone mode until cross-connect is configured properly.

Master-selection mode

Same in both

Other ISA-AA group configuration

Same in both, including fail-to, divert FC, and so on

IOM traffic classification into a FC

Same in both (can affect AA divert because this is conditioned by the FC). This includes sub side, network side and shunt IOMs.

AARP operation has the following required dependencies: