Cflowd AA records

AA ISA allows cflowd records to be exported to an external cflowd collector. The cflowd collector parameters (such as IP address and port number) are configured per application assurance group. Operators can choose to export cflowd records directly inband on a configurable VLAN from AA or via the CPM, similar to the way system cflowds are exported. By exporting directly inband, a higher rate of cflowd records can be exported compared to export via CPM, as inband export by-passes CPM and therefore avoids the CPM bottleneck that could potential lead to cflowd packets discards. All cflowd records collected are exported to the configured collectors. AA ISA supports cflowd Version 10/ IPFIX.

A cflowd record is only exported to the collector after the flow is closed/terminated.

For each of the supported cflowd templates described in this section, the operator can customize which fields to include in the exported templates. For example, an operator can include the following fields: flow attributes, HTTP/SNI hostname, AA protocol/application/application-group, and DEM-related fields.