Statistics and accounting

AA statistics provide the operator with information to understand application usage within a network node.

AA XML record accounting aggregates the flow information into per application group, per application, per protocol reports on volume usage during the last accounting interval. This information is then sent to a statistics collector element for network wide correlation and aggregation into customized graphical usage reports. AA uses and benefits from the rich 7750 SR or 7450 ESS accounting infrastructure and the functionality it provides to control accounting policy details.

The following types of accounting volume records are generated and can be collected:

AA supports RADIUS accounting export of per AA subscriber charging group statistics.

Each AA group:partition can be configured for AA subscribers stats export by referencing both an accounting policy (for XML statistics) or a RADIUS accounting policy. To determine how to export various counters for subscriber AA statistics, an export-using keyword is used when enabling AA subscriber level stats export to specify the export method to be used for each, whether accounting policy or RADIUS accounting policy or diameter-based usage monitoring.

Per AA flow statistics are provided as described in Cflowd AA records.

See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide for information about general accounting functionality.