HTTP in browser notification

The AA ISA HTTP notification policy-based feature enables the operator to send in browser notification messages to their subscribers. The notification format can either be an overlay, a web banner, or a splash page, which makes HTTP notification less disruptive than standard HTTP redirection for the subscriber; both the original content and the notification message can be displayed at the same time while browsing.

There is a wide range of notification use cases in Broadband and WiFi networks to use this functionality such as fair use policy threshold warning, marketing and monetization messages, late bill payment notice, copyright infringement notice and operational outages.

The solution is based on two primary components, the AA ISA responsible for specific packet manipulation and a messaging server. The messaging server controls the message format and its content while the AA ISA modifies selected HTTP flows so that the subscriber transparently downloads a script located on the messaging server. This script is then executed by the web browser to display the notification message. The AA ISA only select specific HTTP request flows meeting the criteria of a web browser session compatible with in browser notification messages.

A high level view of the typical network elements involved in HTTP in browser notifications are described in Figure: HTTP in browser notification - high level.

Figure: HTTP in browser notification - high level

The AA ISA provides full subscriber control to configure an AQP action enabling HTTP notification policy based on specific app-profiles attributes (ASO characteristics), application, or application group. The operator can dynamically modify the subscriber policy from the policy manager to enable or disable HTTP notification during the lifetime of the subscriber.