Multi-point congestion enforcement

The DEM technology allows the DEM-GW to detect congestion within the access network.

If congestion is detected at any point, DEM-GW can employ policies per application, per application group, or per subscriber to limit the impact of low-priority traffic on QoE-sensitive applications. See Figure: DEM-GW multi-point congestion control.

Figure: DEM-GW multi-point congestion control

A DEM-GW is integrated directly into the WLGW using AA. The DEM-GW models the congestion points, called ANLs, that it learns from the WLGW subscriber attributes, and manages them accordingly to achieve the configured QoE/QoS target.

The DEM-GW achieves congestion control by:

The DEM-GW actively runs intelligent congestion control. It relies on location information relayed by WLGW sub management for Access Point MAC and VLAN.

For AP congestion detection, the DEM-GW runs an algorithm-based on measurements of Round Trip Time (RTT) to determine congestion state.

The DEM-GW uses location-awareness of all UEs to apply traffic management at specific impacted access sites, while unrestricting users during times of non-congestion. This ensures different applications within an AP radio get fair share of available resources, while controlling low-value traffic during times of congestion.

The inherited subscriber or application awareness at the DEM-GW (SSG/PGW/GGSN), when integrated with AA application detection and control, results in entitlement-based enforcements of specific applications for specified users or UEs, allowing the operators to provide differentiated services.

The end-to-end DEM solution can involve PCRF for opt-in policy control and off-line reporting platforms to facilitate some additional value-add use-cases.