CPM IPv4 and IPv6 filter entry match criteria

The supported IPv4 and IPv6 match criteria are shown in the following tables.

Table: Basic Layer 3 match criteria lists the basic Layer 3 match criteria.

Table: Basic Layer 3 match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified DSCP value against the DSCP/Traffic Class field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header.


Matches the specified source/destination IPv4/IPv6 address prefix/mask against the source/destination IPv4/IPv6 address field in the IP packet header. Optionally, operators can match a list of IP addresses defined in filter match-list ip-prefix-list or match-list ipv6-prefix-list. The prefix-list can be defined statically or using the apply-path command to automatically populate using configured BGP peers defined in the base router or VPRN services. For more details on filter match-list configuration and capabilities, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide, "Match list for filter policies".


For IPv4, match against the MF bit or Fragment Offset field to determine if the packet is a fragment. For IPv6 match against the next-header field or Fragment Extension Header value to determine whether the packet is a fragment. Up to six extension headers are matched against to find the Fragmentation Extension Header.

Table: IPv4 options match criteria lists the IPv4 options match criteria.

Table: IPv4 options match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified option value in the first option of the IPv4 packet. Optionally, operators can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the presence of IP options in the IPv4 packet. Padding and EOOL are also considered as IP options. Up to six IP options are matched against.


Matches the presence of multiple IP options in the IPv4 packet.

Table: IPv6 next-header match criteria lists the IPv6 next-header match criteria.

Table: IPv6 next-header match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches for the presence of hop-by-hop options extension header in the IPv6 packet. This match criterion is supported on ingress only. Up to six extension headers are matched against.

Table: Upper-layer protocol match criteria lists the upper-layer protocol match criteria.

Table: Upper-layer protocol match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified upper-layer protocol (such as TCP or UDP) against the next-header field of the IPv6 packet header. ‟*” can be used to specify TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (logical OR). Next-header matching also allows matching on the presence of a subset of IPv6 extension headers. See the CLI section for information about which extension header match is supported.


Matches the specified protocol against the Protocol field in the IPv4 packet header (for example, TCP, UDP, or IGMP) of the outer IPv4. ‟*” can be used to specify TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (logical OR).


Matches the specified value against the Code field of the ICMP/ICMPv6 header of the packet. This match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ICMP/ICMPv6 protocol.


Matches the specified value against the Type field of the ICMP or ICMPv6 header of the packet. This match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ‟ICMP” or ‟ICMPv6” protocol.


Matches the specified port value (with or without mask), port list, or port range against the Source Port Number/Destination Port Number of the UDP/TCP packet header. An option to match either source or destination port or both (logical OR) using a single filter policy entry is supported by using a directionless port command. Source/destination match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ‟TCP”, ‟UDP”, or ‟TCP or UDP” protocols. A non-initial fragment does not match an entry with non-zero port criteria specified.


Matches the presence or absence of the TCP flags in the TCP header of the packet. This match criteria also requires defining the protocol/next-header match as ‟TCP”.

Table: Router instance match criteria lists the router instance match criteria.

Table: Router instance match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the router instance packets that are ingressing from for this filter entry.