RPC Install

The controller can use RPC Install to install a new certificate on the server. After the certificate is installed, the server must be configured (assign a certificate and key files in the CERT profile) before the new certificate can be used.

The following two possible cases are supported for installing a certificate:

The SR OS supports both scenarios, although it is assumed that in most cases the CSR is generated on the SR OS node.

Both scenarios require the following steps:

  1. Generate the CSR.

  2. Sign the CSR by the Certificate Authority (CA).

  3. Load the new certificate on the server.

Figure: RPC install message flow for CSRs generated on the SR OS node
Figure: RPC install message flow if CSRs are not generated on the SR OS node

The message exchange during phases 1 and 3 is the same as shown in Figure: GenerateCSR message flow and Figure: LoadCSRRequest/Response message flow. The only difference, in the case of RPC Install, is that, a new certificate_id is used.

After new certificates are installed, the system must be configured before it can be used. Configuration is supported using the following methods: