Legacy DNS and NBNS name server origins

Important changes occurred in the DNS and NBNS name server origin priorities in SR OS Release 21.7 which could result in different DNS and NBNS name server IP addresses being sent to a subscriber session after an upgrade, if the configurations of the DHCP and RADIUS servers are not simultaneously updated accordingly. To facilitate a smooth transition when the configuration of back-end systems cannot be changed at the time of the upgrade, the legacy behavior, which is backward compatible with SR OS Releases before 21.7 can be enabled using the following configuration:

configure subscriber-mgmt
Figure: Legacy DNS and NBNS name server authentication origins

The following changes are enabled with the legacy-dns-nbns configuration:

Mid-session changes for DNS and NBNS name servers using RADIUS CoA are enabled by default and are not disabled with the legacy-dns-nbns configuration.

Note: The legacy system behavior for DNS and NBNS name servers is available as a temporary workaround. The recommended configuration is the default extended DNS and NBNS name server origin priorities (no legacy-dns-nbns).