PCC rule name and PCC rule removal

Each PCC rule has a subscriber-host scope and it is referred to it by its name which is assigned by the operator on PCRF. The rules with exactly the same content but different rule names are evaluated into separate rules. To optimize performance and maximize scale, it is recommended that the rules sharing the same content have the same name (as provisioned in the PCRF).

PCC rules can be removed from the node via a Gx directive by referencing the PCC rule name. The rule name is supplied via the Charging-Rule-Name AVP at the time of the rule submission to the node by the PCRF. There is no Gx mechanism that would remove all PCC rules at once. Each PCC rule must be removed individually.

The AVP used to remove the rule from the node is:

Charging-Rule-Remove ::= < AVP Header: 1002 >
                                   *[ Charging-Rule-Name ]

An example of rule instantiation and rule removal is shown in Figure: Policy removal by name.

Figure: Policy removal by name