Subscriber host idle timeout

An idle timeout is the maximum time that a subscriber session can be idle before the session is terminated or a connectivity check is started. Idle timeout applies to PPPoE and IPoE hosts.

The time/volume based accounting model is used to configure an idle timeout.

Create a category-map (see Category map and categories)

The following in an example of a category map configuration:

        category-map "idle-timeout" create
            activity-threshold 25
            category "cat-1" create
                queue 1 ingress-egress 

In the sla-profile, associate the category-map and optionally define


        sla-profile "sla-profile-1" create
            category-map "idle-timeout"
                category "cat-1" create
                    idle-timeout 3600
                    idle-timeout-action terminate

At host instantiation, a timer is initialized to the idle-timeout value (one timer per sla-profile instance). Each queue or policer in the category is monitored for activity over a fixed polling interval:

During the polling interval:

When the timer becomes zero, the idle-timeout-action is performed for all hosts associated with the SLA-profile-instance (all hosts from a subscriber on a single sap and that share the same sla-profile).