Subscriber services RADIUS VSAs

Subscriber services VSAs 26-6527-151..154 are used as inputs for the subscriber service Python script and are ignored by the SRĀ OS.

The subscriber service VSAs can be tagged to allow activation and deactivation of multiple subscriber service instances with a single RADIUS Access-Accept or CoA message.

Table: Subscriber services RADIUS VSAs lists the subscriber services RADIUS VSAs. See the RADIUS Attributes Reference Guide for a complete description of the subscriber services VSAs.

Table: Subscriber services RADIUS VSAs
Attribute ID Attribute name Description


Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate (string)

Activate a subscriber service. The attribute contains parameters as input for the subscriber service Python script to define and activate a subscriber service.

Multiple VSAs can be included per message if the parameter list does not fit in a single attribute.


Alc-Sub-Serv-Deactivate (string)

Deactivate a subscriber service. The attribute contains parameters as input for the subscriber service Python script to deactivate a subscriber service.

Multiple VSAs can be included per message if the parameter list does not fit in a single attribute.


Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type (integer)

Enable or disable subscriber service accounting and specify the statistics type: volume and time or time only.

Values: 1=off, 2=volume-time and 3=time


Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl (integer)

The interim accounting interval in seconds at which Acct-Interim-Update messages should be generated for subscriber service accounting. A value of 0 (zero) corresponds to no interim update messages. The maximum value is 300 seconds (values 1 to 300).



For internal use only. Its value is the result of the subscriber service commit function in Python. (sub_svc.commit_service).