Subscriber service RADIUS accounting

The configuration for subscriber service instance accounting sessions is obtained from the RADIUS accounting policies configured in the subscriber profile of the parent subscriber:

If the parent subscriber has no RADIUS accounting policy configured, subscriber service instance accounting cannot be enabled.

If the parent subscriber has a RADIUS accounting policy configured, subscriber service instance accounting can be disabled by setting the sub_svc.acct_stats_type TLV in the subscriber service Python script to 1 (Off):

sub_svc.add_to_service(service, sub_svc.acct_stats_type, 1)

Each subscriber service instance has a unique accounting session ID included as [44] Acct-Session-Id. The [50] Acct-Multi-Session-Id contains the accounting session ID of the parent PPPoE or IPoE session as shown in Table: Subscriber service accounting multi-session ID.

Table: Subscriber service accounting multi-session ID
Subscriber service parent [50] Acct-Multi-Session-Id

PPPoE session

Session Acct-Session-Id of the PPPoE session:

show service id <service-id> pppoe session detail

IPoE session

Session Acct-Session-Id of the IPoE session:

show service id <service-id> ipoe session detail

IPoEv4 host

Host Acct-Session-Id of the IPoEv4 host:

show service id <service-id> subscriber-hosts detail

The content of the volume counters when the subscriber service accounting statistics type equals volume-time is determined by the subscriber service action. For details, see the subscriber service sections that follow.