Show commands



network [policy-id] [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode


This command displays network policy information.



Displays information for the specific policy ID.


1 to 65535


all network policies


Displays information about ingress and egress EXP bit mappings and network policy interface associations (for devices operating in network mode).


Displays information about ingress and egress dot1p bit mappings and network policy interface associations (for 7210 SAS-T in access-uplink mode).


The following outputs are examples of QoS network policy information, and the associated tables describe the output fields:

Sample output
A:qos1# show qos network 
Network Policies
Policy-Id            Remark LerUseDscp Description                             
1                    False  False      Default network-port QoS policy.        
2                    False  False      Default network QoS policy.             
*A:ALA# show qos network 1 detail 
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id      : 1                            Remark       : False             
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : Out               
Attach Mode    : l2                           Config Mode  : l2+mpls           
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : port              
Accounting     : packet-based                                                  
Description    : Default network-port QoS policy.
DSCP                                    Forwarding Class                Profile
be                                      be                              Out    
ef                                      ef                              In     
cs1                                     l2                              In     
nc1                                     h1                              In     
nc2                                     nc                              In     
af11                                    af                              In     
af12                                    af                              Out    
af41                                    h2                              In 
Dot1p Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
No Matching Entries
Meter Mode   CIR Admin   CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS       MBS
1     TrTcm_CA  0         closest       max       closest   32 KBytes 128 KBytes
FC                  UCastM         MCastM         
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Egress Forwarding Class Queuing
FC Value       : 0                            FC Name      : be                
- DSCP Mapping                        
Out-of-Profile : be                           In-Profile   : be                
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0                            In-Profile   : 0                 
FC Value       : 1                            FC Name      : l2                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : cs1                          In-Profile   : cs1               
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1                            In-Profile   : 1                 
FC Value       : 2                            FC Name      : af                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af12                         In-Profile   : af11              
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2                            In-Profile   : 3                 
FC Value       : 3                            FC Name      : l1                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af22                         In-Profile   : af21              
- Dot1p Mapping                       
Out-of-Profile : 2                            In-Profile   : 3                 
FC Value       : 4                            FC Name      : h2                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : af41                         In-Profile   : af41              
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4                            In-Profile   : 4                 
FC Value       : 5                            FC Name      : ef                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : ef                           In-Profile   : ef                
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5                            In-Profile   : 5                 
FC Value       : 6                            FC Name      : h1                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc1                          In-Profile   : nc1               
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6                            In-Profile   : 6                 
FC Value       : 7                            FC Name      : nc                
- DSCP Mapping
Out-of-Profile : nc2                          In-Profile   : nc2               
- Dot1p Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7                            In-Profile   : 7 
Interface Association
No Interface Association Found.
Port Attachments
Port-id : 1/1/1                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/2                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/3                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/4                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/5                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/6                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/7                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/8                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/9                                                                
Port-id : 1/1/10                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/11                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/12                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/13                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/14                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/16                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/17                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/18                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/20                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/21                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/22                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/23                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/24                                                               

*A:ALA# show qos network 2 detail 
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (2)
Policy-id      : 2                            Remark       : False             
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : Out               
Attach Mode    : mpls                         Config Mode  : mpls              
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : IpInterface       
Accounting     : packet-based                                                  
Profile Policy : 1
Global Prof  : 1
Description    : Default network QoS policy.
LSP EXP Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
0                                       be                              Out    
1                                       l2                              In     
2                                       af                              Out    
3                                       af                              In     
4                                       h2                              In     
5                                       ef                              In     
6                                       h1                              In     
7                                       nc                              In     
Meter Mode   CIR Admin   CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS       MBS
1     TrTcm_CA  0         closest       max       closest   32 KBytes 128 KBytes
9     TrTcm_CA  0         closest       max       closest   32 KBytes 128 KBytes
FC                  UCastM         MCastM         
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Egress Forwarding Class Queuing
FC Value       : 0                            FC Name      : be                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0                            In-Profile   : 0                 
FC Value       : 1                            FC Name      : l2                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1                            In-Profile   : 1                 
FC Value       : 2                            FC Name      : af                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2                            In-Profile   : 3                 
FC Value       : 3                            FC Name      : l1                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 2                            In-Profile   : 3                 
FC Value       : 4                            FC Name      : h2                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 4                            In-Profile   : 4                 
FC Value       : 5                            FC Name      : ef                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 5                            In-Profile   : 5                 
FC Value       : 6                            FC Name      : h1                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 6                            In-Profile   : 6                 
FC Value       : 7                            FC Name      : nc                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 7                            In-Profile   : 7 
Interface Association
Interface      : system
IP Addr.       : n/a                          Port Id      : system            
Interface      : in-band-management
IP Addr.       :             Port Id      : 1/1/23 
Port Attachments
No Matching Entries

*A:qos1# show qos network 1001 detail 
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1001)
Policy-id      : 1001                         Remark       : False             
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : In                
Attach Mode    : mpls                         Config Mode  : mpls              
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : IpInterface       
Accounting     : packet-based                                                  
Description    : ip-interface-type
LSP EXP Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
0                                       be                              Out    
1                                       l2                              Out    
2                                       af                              In     
3                                       l1                              Out    
4                                       h2                              In     
5                                       ef                              Out    
6                                       h1                              Out    
7                                       nc                              In     
Meter Mode   CIR Admin   CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS Admin MBS Admin
             CIR Oper               PIR Oper                CBS Oper  MBS Oper
1     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       8000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    8000                def       500    
2     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   16384     16384  
                4000                    7000                16000     16000  
3     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
4     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
5     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
6     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
7     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
8     TrTcm_CA  7000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                7000                    7000                def       500    
9     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
10    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
11    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
12    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500 
FC                  UCastM         MCastM         
l2                  2              def           
af                  3              def           
l1                  4              def           
h2                  5              12            
ef                  6              11            
h1                  7              10            
nc                  8              9 
Egress Forwarding Class Queuing
FC Value       : 0                            FC Name      : be                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0                            In-Profile   : 0                 
FC Value       : 1                            FC Name      : l2                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 
Table: Output fields: QoS network policy
Label Description


The ID that uniquely identifies the policy


True — Remarking is enabled for all packets that egress this router where the network policy is applied

The remarking is based on the forwarding class to EXP bit mapping defined under the egress node of the network QoS policy.


A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file

Forward Class/ FC Name

Specifies the forwarding class name


Out— Specifies the EXP marking for the packets which are out-of-profile, egressing on this queue

Specifies the EXP marking for the packets which are out-of-profile, egressing on this queue.

In — Specifies the EXP marking for the packets which are in-of-profile, egressing on this queue

Specifies the EXP markings for in-profile packets egressing this queue


Packet-based — Specifies that the meters associated with this policy do not account for packet framing overheads (such as Ethernet the Inter Frame Gap (IFG) and the preamble), while accounting for the bandwidth to be used by this flow

Frame-based — Specifies that the meters associated with this policy account for the packet framing overheads (such as for Ethernet the IFG and preamble), while accounting the bandwidth to be used by the flow

Profile policy

Displays the profile policy ID

Global Prof

Displays the global profile policy ID for LDP packets

EXP Bit Mapping:


Displays the EXP value used for out-of-profile traffic


Displays the EXP value used for in-profile traffic


Displays the interface name

IP Addr

Displays the interface IP address


Specifies the physical port identifier that associates the interface

Sample output (policy ID 1) for the 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12
*A:SAS>config>qos>network# show qos network 1 detail 

QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1)
Policy-id      : 1                            
Egr Remark     : False                        Egr Rem Plcy : N/A
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : Out
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : port
Accounting     : packet-based                 
Description    : Default network-port QoS policy.
Dot1p Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
No Matching Entries
Meter Mode     CIR Admin CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS Admin MBS Admin
               CIR Oper             PIR Oper                CBS Oper  MBS Oper
1     TrTcm1_CA   0         closest       max       closest   def       def    
                  0                       max                 def       def    
FC              UCastM         MCastM         
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Port Attachments
Port-id : 1/1/10                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/11                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/12                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/13                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/20                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/21                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/22                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/23                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/24                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/25                                                               
Port-id : 1/1/26                                                               
Port-id : lag-3                                                                
Port-id : lag-5                                                                

Sample output (policy ID 2) for the 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12
*A:SAS>config>qos>network# show qos network 2 detail 

QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (2)
Policy-id      : 2                            
Egr Remark     : False                        Egr Rem Plcy : N/A
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : Out
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : IpInterface
Accounting     : packet-based                 
Profile Policy : 1
Local FC       : Disabled                     Global Prof  : 1
Description    : Default network QoS policy.
Dot1p Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
No Matching Entries
Meter Mode     CIR Admin CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS Admin MBS Admin
               CIR Oper             PIR Oper                CBS Oper  MBS Oper
1     TrTcm1_CA   0         closest       max       closest   7 KBytes 10 KBytes 
                  0                       max 
9     TrTcm1_CA   0         closest       max       closest   11 KBytes 14 KBytes 

FC              UCastM         MCastM         
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Interface Association
Interface      : system
IP Addr.       :              Port Id      : system
Interface      : in-band-management
IP Addr.       :             Port Id      : 1/1/24
Interface      : management
IP Addr.       :             Port Id      : A/1

*A:qos1# show qos network 1001 detail 
QoS Network Policy
Network Policy (1001)
Policy-id      : 1001                         Remark       : False             
Forward Class  : be                           Profile      : In                
Attach Mode    : mpls                         Config Mode  : mpls              
Scope          : Template                     Policy Type  : IpInterface       
Accounting     : packet-based                                                  
Description    : ip-interface-type
LSP EXP Bit Map                         Forwarding Class                Profile
0                                       be                              Out    
1                                       l2                              Out    
2                                       af                              In     
3                                       l1                              Out    
4                                       h2                              In     
5                                       ef                              Out    
6                                       h1                              Out    
7                                       nc                              In     
Meter Mode   CIR Admin   CIR Rule   PIR Admin   PIR Rule    CBS Admin MBS Admin
             CIR Oper               PIR Oper                CBS Oper  MBS Oper
1     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       8000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    8000                def       500    
2     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   16384     16384  
                4000                    7000                16000     16000  
3     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
4     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
5     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
6     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
7     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
8     TrTcm_CA  7000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                7000                    7000                def       500    
9     TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
10    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
11    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500    
12    TrTcm_CA  4000      closest       7000      closest   def       def    
                4000                    7000                def       500 
FC                  UCastM         MCastM         
l2                  2              def           
af                  3              def           
l1                  4              def           
h2                  5              12            
ef                  6              11            
h1                  7              10            
nc                  8              9 
Egress Forwarding Class Queuing
FC Value       : 0                            FC Name      : be                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 0                            In-Profile   : 0                 
FC Value       : 1                            FC Name      : l2                
- LSP EXP Bit Mapping
Out-of-Profile : 1 

Table: Output fields: network QoS policyfor the 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12
Label Description


Displays the ID that uniquely identifies the policy


True — Remarking is enabled for all packets that egress this router where the network policy is applied. The remarking is based on the FC to bit mapping defined under the egress node of the network QoS policy.


Displays a text string that helps identify the policy context in the configuration file

Forward Class/FC Name

Specifies the FC name


Out — Specifies the EXP marking for the packets that are out-of-profile, egressing on this queue

In — Specifies the EXP marking for the packets that are in-of-profile, egressing on this queue


Packet-based — Specifies that the meters associated with this policy do not account for packet framing overheads (such as Ethernet the Inter Frame Gap (IFG) and the preamble), while accounting for the bandwidth to be used by this flow

Frame-based — Specifies that the meters associated with this policy account for the packet framing overheads (such as for Ethernet the IFG and preamble), while accounting for the bandwidth used by the flow

Profile policy

Displays the profile policy ID

Global Prof

Displays the global profile policy ID for LDP packets

Bit Mapping:


Displays the value used for out-of-profile traffic


Displays the value used for in-profile traffic


Displays the interface name

IP Addr

Displays the interface IP address


Specifies the physical port identifier that associates the interface



mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map [policy-id] [detail]




Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document


This command displays profile policy information.



Displays information for the specific policy ID.


1 to 65535


Displays detailed policy information.


The following output is an example of MPLS LSP EXP profile mapping information, and Table: Output fields: QoS MPLS LSP EXP profile map describes the output fields.

Sample output
*A:7210-SAS>show>qos# mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map 1

QoS MPLS LSP EXP Profile Maps
Profile Map-id     : 1
Description        : Default MPLS LSP EXP Profile Map policy

Exp       Profile
0         Out
1         In
2         Out
3         In
4         In
5         In
6         In
7         In
*A:7210SAS>show>qos# mpls-lsp-exp-profile-map 1 detail

QoS MPLS LSP EXP Profile Maps
Profile Map-id     : 1
Description        : Default MPLS LSP EXP Profile Map policy

Exp       Profile
0         Out
1         In
2         Out
3         In
4         In
5         In
6         In
7         In

Network Policy Associations
Network Policy Id             : 2
Table: Output fields: QoS MPLS LSP EXP profile map
Label Description

Profile Map-id

Displays the profile Map ID


A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file


Displays the EXP. value


Specifies the marking of the packets as in-profile or out-of-profile

Network Policy Id

Displays the Network policy ID with which the mpls-lsp-exp-profile is associated