Tools dump commands

    - dump
        - accounting-policy acct-policy-id flash-write-count [clear]
        - top-active-meps [rx-sort | tx-sort] [clear]
        - eth-ring ring-index [clear] 
        - lag lag-id lag-id
        - ldp-treetrace {prefix ip-prefix/mask | manual-prefix ip-prefix/mask} [path-destination ip-address] [trace-tree]
        - redundancy
            - multi-chassis
                - mc-endpoint peer ip-address
                - sync-database [peer ip-address] [port port-id | lag-id] [sync-tag sync-tag] [application application] [detail] [type type]
        - router router-instance
            - dintf [ip-address]
            - filter-info [verbose]
            - l3info
            - l3-stats [clear]
            - service-name service-name
            - ldp 
                - fec prefix ip-prefix/mask
                - fec p2mp-id id root ip-address [detail]
                - fec vc-type {vc-type} agi agi
                - fec vc-type {ethernet | vlan} vc-id vc-id
                - interface [ip-int-name | ip-address]
                - memory-usage
                - peer ip-address
                - session [ip-addr[:label-space] [connection | peer | adjacency]
                - sockets 
                - timers
            - mpls 
                - cspf to ip-addr [from ip-addr] [strict-srlg] [srlg-group grp-id...(up to 8 max)] [bandwidth bandwidth] [include-bitmap bitmap] [exclude-bitmap bitmap] [hop-limit limit] [exclude-address excl-addr [excl-addr...(upto
8 max)]] [use-te-metric] [exclude-node excl-node-id [excl-node-id...(upto 8 max)]] [skip-interface interface-name]
                - force-switch-path lsp lsp-name path path-name
                - no force-switch-path lsp lsp-name
                - ftn [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id | tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label]
                - ilm [endpoint endpoint | sender sender | nexthop nexthop | lsp-id lsp-id | tunnel-id tunnel-id | label start-label end-label] 
                - lspinfo [lsp-name] [detail]
                - memory-usage
                - te-lspinfo [endpoint ip-address] [sender ip-address] [lspid lsp-id] [detail] 
                - te-lspinfo [endpoint ip-address] [sender ip-address] [lspid lsp-id] [detail] 
                - switch-path lsp lsp-name path path-name
                - tp-tunnel
                    - clear {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
                    - force {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
                    - manual {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
                    - lockout {lsp-name | id tunnel-id}
                - trap-suppress number-of-traps time-interval
            - ospf ospf-instance
                - abr [detail]
                - asbr [detail]
                - bad-packet interface-name
                - leaked-routes [summary | detail]
                - memory-usage [detail]
                - request-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]
                - request-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]
                - retransmission-list [neighbor ip-address] [detail]
                - retransmission-list virtual-neighbor ip-address area-id area-id [detail]
                - route-summary 
                - route-table ip-prefix/mask [type] [detail]
            - ospf3
            - rsvp
                - psb [endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
                - rsb [endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
                - tcsb[endpoint endpoint-address] [sender sender-address] [tunnelid tunnel-id] [lspid lsp-id]
                - neighbor [ip-address] [detail]
        - service
            - base-stats [clear]
            - dpipe service-id
            - dtls service-id
            - iom-stats [clear]
            - l2pt-diags
            - l2pt-diags clear
            - l2pt-diags detail
            - vpls-fdb-stats [clear]
            - vpls-mfib-stats [clear]
        - system
            - cpu-pkt-stats
        - system-resources slot-number [sap-ingress-qos] [associations] 
        - system-resources slot-number mcast-groups 
        - system-resources slot-number g8032-control-sap-tags 
        - system-resources sap [port port-id] [lag lag-id]
        - vc-stack card slot-number [detail]
        - vc-stack card slot-number [detail] fabric-ports [pools]