Multi-chassis datapath shunts

When traffic needs to be remotely diverted it flows over shunts that are provisioned as sdp-id:vc-id between the dual-homed AA subscriber local service and a remote vc-switching Ipipe.

With multi-chassis operation there are 4 operational states for an AARP instance: master, backup, remote and standalone:

An AARP instance activity switch is when one node moves from master to remote or backup mode, with the peer node becoming master. This can occur on a per-instance basis using the re-evaluate tool, or for all instances on an ISA that fails. On an AARP activity switch, AA divert changes from local to remote or remote to local, such that any packet is not seen by both nodes, resulting in no missed packet counts or double counts against the AA subscriber.

AARP activity is non-revertive to maximize the ID accuracy of flows. When an AARP instance toggles activity, packets are diverted to the newly active divert ISA and are processed as new flows, which for mid-session flows, often results in ‟unknown” traffic ID until those flows terminate. When the condition that triggered the AARP activity switch is resolved and the instance remains in backup state to not cause an additional application ID impacting event. This is consistent with AA N+1 ISA activity switches.

Because AA ISA availability is a criteria for AARP switches, any ISA failure or shutdown moves all AARP instance activity to ISAs in the master peer nodes, such as during software upgrades of ISAs. Depending on the nature of the failure or sequence of an upgrade procedure, all AA traffic may be processed by ISAs in one of the peers with no traffic being processed by ISAs on the other node.

If rebalancing the ISA load between the peer nodes is necessary, the tools> perform>application-assurance>aarp aarp-id>force-evaluate command re-runs AARP activity evaluation on a per-ISA basis to determine master/backup AARP based on configured priority.

Table: Interaction and dependencies between AARP states shows the interaction and dependencies between AARP states between a local node and its peer.

Table: Interaction and dependencies between AARP states
Local AARP operation state Peer AARP operational state Description



Inter-Chassis Link (ICL) Communication established between AARP peers.

AARP dependent resources are up (to-sub/from-sub shunt, aarp control link, dual-homed SAP or spoke SDP).

AARP instances have negotiated initial state assignment using configured priority/system IP address.

AA service is available for the dual-homed SAP or spoke subscriber.

All to-sub/from-sub traffic specific to the dual-homed SAP or spoke SDP is serviced on the local node.

Peer node is available to takeover in the event of a AA service failure on the local node.

Asymmetry is removed for the dual-homed SAP or spoke subscribers, serviced by AA on the local (master) node.



Same as Master/Backup except:

AA service is available on the local node. AA service is unavailable on the peer node.



Initial state of the AARP instances upon creation or a result of a failure in any of the AARP dependent resources.

All to-sub/from-sub traffic for the dual-homed SAP or spoke is serviced on each node independently.

aarp instance operational state is outOfService on both sides.

Asymmetry is not removed for the dual-homed SAP or spoke subscribers (traffic ID is not optimal).