One type of NGE domain is a private IP/MPLS network, as shown in Figure: Private IP/MPLS network NGE domain.
In a private IP/MPLS network NGE domain, all interfaces are owned by the operator and there is no intermediary service provider needed to interconnect nodes. Each interface is a point-to-point private link between private nodes. When a new node is added to this type of NGE domain (node D in Figure: Private IP/MPLS network NGE domain), the links that connect node D to the existing nodes in the NGE domain (nodes A, B, and C) must be enabled with NGE router interface encryption. Links from the new node to the existing nodes are enabled one at a time. The NSP NFM-P provides tools that simplify adding nodes to the NGE domain and enabling NGE on their associated interfaces. In this type of NGE domain, each interface is a direct link between two nodes and is not used to communicate with multiple nodes over a broadcast medium offered by an intermediary network. Also, there are no NGE gateway nodes required between the NSP NFM-P and new nodes entering the NGE domain.