RADIUS access-accept or CoA message with subscriber service activate or deactivate VSAs

A subscriber service instance is activated from the RADIUS server by an Access-Accept or CoA message for a PPPoE or IPoE session. Deactivation of a subscriber service instance can be achieved by a RADIUS CoA message or is implicit when the associated subscriber session terminates.

To activate a subscriber service, the Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate (VSA) is used, and to deactivate a subscriber service, the Alc-Sub-Serv-Deactivate VSA is used. The formats of the Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate and Alc-Sub-Serv-Deactivate VSAs can be freely defined by the operator if they match with the Python script that is used to commit the subscriber service instance activation or deactivation.

For example, to change the upstream and downstream bandwidth of an IPoE session, the following format can be defined:


To activate a subscriber service with an upstream bandwidth of 5 Mb/s and a downstream rate of 50 Mb/s, the following VSA can then be included in a RADIUS Access-Accept or CoA message:

Alc-Sub-Serv-Activate = "rate-limit;5120;30720"

To deactivate the same subscriber service and revert to the initial bandwidth, the following VSA can be included in a RADIUS CoA message:

Alc-Sub-Serv-Deactivate = "rate-limit;5120;30720"

To deactivate a subscriber service instance, its unique name must be used. In the example above, the name equals ‟rate-limit;5120;30720”.

To start an accounting session when the subscriber service instance is activated, the following attributes can be included in the Access-Accept or CoA message:

Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type = volume-time | time
Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl = <update-interval>

For example, the Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Stats-Type attribute value is set to ‟volume-time” to include both the session time for time-based billing and standard counters for volume statistics collection. The Alc-Sub-Serv-Acct-Interim-Ivl attribute sets the interval for interim updates of the subscriber service instance accounting.

See the Subscriber services RADIUS VSAs section for details on RADIUS attributes.

See the Subscriber service RADIUS accounting section for details on subscriber service instance accounting.